Welllll it has been kind of a nutty week over here for us. I've been a big old bag of mixed nuts. And emotions. We got our transfer calls this morning and I am heading up to Dijon, France! I am going up with Sister Smith, who has about 3 or 4 months left on her mission, and a trainee. So we will be in a threesie and we will be white-washing the place... crazy, right? And Sister Cutler is going back up to Luxebourg for her last transfer so they are going to be white-washing Geneva here too. Man! I am reeeally sad to leave Geneva. My last couple of transfers here have been pretty amazing and the people I have met here are incredibly special to me and I am dreading saying goodbye. We had Noche de Hogar last night (the Spanish family home evening) and they all sang to me and Elder Maldonado, who is leaving too, and Hermano Ortiz gave me a little mirror as a parting gift. Cute. I loove these people. And I love my district right now. That one is a sucker punch, to have to say goodbye to them. Elder Mason, our district leader, is going HOME this week and I will miss him a lot. He is pretty great. Sister Cutler borrowed a guitar the other day. After district meeting, we said the closing prayer, of course. But during that, she and I snuck silently out of the room (so it looked like we disappeared when they opened their eyes haha) and grabbed the guitar. Then we all (everyone but Elder Mason) sang a nice arrangement of God Be With You Till We Meet Again to him. Oooh it was sweet. Yeah, this is going to be uncomfortable leaving Geneva and saying goodbye to all these people. But I am looking forward to Dijon. France! The Euro! Cheaper things! But Geneva is totally a part of me (cheesy?) and I will miss it.
BUT speaking of the guitar, guess who learned how to play two songs this week? Yours truly. I can play a nice rendition of Mary Had a Little Lamb and another song too. That is a goal I have when I get home: to learn to play the guitar. And to play the piano better. Oh, I have a long list of things that I am going to learn/improve on when I return.
Hey thank you for the pictures! I loved them. Mom and Grace, both of you have such long hair now! I love it. I'm jealous haha. I regret cutting my hair and I have no idea what I was thinking. But eh, it will grow, right? And Daniel and Will, y'all are getting so stinking tall. And you just look older too. I don't know how I feel about that! I won't even recognize you when I get back. I kid, of course I will recognize you. And Dad, you look great too! Your hair isn't any longer though and you aren't looking older, so that is probably a good thing haha.
So I told you last week that we might be able to teach and baptize a couple of cute little girls... we met with them this week but their mom didn't want to come with us so we just took them to the park with Paola. Aaand turns out they are indeed children and would rather play than listen to a lesson. Aaand they can't get baptized anyways until their dad, who is in Spain indefinitely, comes back. And they didn't come to Church on Sunday. So there goes that half-miracle, eh? But that is ok. Hope is not gone.
Oh but Carlos got baptized! Did I tell you about him? He was the Elders' investigator, and he progressed quite quickly and was baptized Saturday and confirmed Sunday. Oh it was wonderful! We sang at his baptism and once again, we brought tears to people's eyes. Success. But we actually missed the actual baptism because nobody had brought towels, and our apartment is the closest, so the other Elders quick-James-Bond-style drove us to grab some towels from our apartment, but we were still just a minute late. Bummer. But he was still baptized and he is so happy.
Picture explanations real quick: me and the Spanish ward Primary that I play the piano for, our cute little DMP (ward missionary leader) meeting, us and the Spirig family, S. Cutler and I in the sunshine in Bernex, and I can't remember the other one I put on there. Oh the Spanish missionaries and Paola at Noche de Hogar last night.
Oh man, my computer card is running out quick. But I love you all a LOT and I am excited to tell you about Dijon next week! Thank you for your prayers, really. I miss you and LOVE YOU!
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