Good morning! I hope you are all doing really well this week. That is great that it warmed up a bit! We had some really nice weather here for a couple of weeks but it is starting to get cold again. Bah. That's January for you I guess. But it's ok, January is almost two thirds over.
So I haven't sent home a picture of me and Sister Cutler becaaaauuuse we haven't taken a good one together yet. Buuut I will send you one that we took last night. Maybe you shouldn't publish it on the internet though because we put 5-oclock shadows on our face with newspaper ink and it isn't super flattering. But I will make sure we take a nicer one soon! I also sent a picture of me doing a headstand in our apartment. Just a normal evening in the sister missionaries' apartment... Also, there is a silly little video of how we get from floor to floor while we are porting a building. Basically, we just did silly things this week.
Not true, we worked hard. As I have mentioned before, pretty much all we have been doing is finding this transfer. I don't know what is happening, but we have next to zero progressing amies. We haven't been able to get ahold of Gladys in like 3 weeks, which is super sad to me. And Vivian, the woman with whom we had the awesome rendez-vous in the park, has not been answering her phone either. Baahhhh! It is super hard not to get discouraged, but what can we do, you know? We just have to keep doing what we are supposed to be doing and leave the rest up to the Lord and these people. We had a zone conference yesterday and President and the zone leaders talked about not getting discouraged and being faithful and diligent and patient. It was really good and really motivating. Alsooo, apparently our situation is happening in the whole zone, so we were discussing that and decided to have a week of consecration to prepare for some serious miracles. So we are going to start it tomorrow with a fast and then we are going to do a bunch of things like cut our meal hours to allow more time for finding, plan differently, speak only in French all week long, etc. I am ready for it. We are excited to see things start happening here. At the same time though, it is so important to have the faith that things are going to happen on the Lord's timetable, you know? It will be good though. We have a mission goal of 100 baptisms before Easter, so I think this is a good way to fire ourselves up for that.
Oh also, I had to give a talk at zone conference. And sing in a musical number. It was the Sister Bentley show, apparently haha. But the talk went well. I spoke about humility. It was so good to study that and think about it and recommit myself to practicing it better. Hey question: do yall study Preach My Gospel together? It is such an incredible book, seriously.
Sister Cutler and I took our dinner hour on Sunday to go to the rebroadcast of the CES fireside with Elder Cristofferson. It was soo good! Grace you went to that, right? Such a good topic.
Well, I better get going. We are throughing a surprise birthday party at the mission home today for Sister Dix, Elder Williams, and Betty (the cute little woman that works at the mission home). All the missionaries are going to be there, so it should be fun. We made a ton of these cute little origami flowers out of newspaper to put around the room. It will be spectacular...? Haha throwing parties makes me nervous. I will let you know how it turned out. Man, I am sorry I don't have a ton to report on this week. I love reading all of your emails though! I do have some more letters coming your way, so be ready for those.
Anyways, I love you all a lot a lot a lot! Have a marvelous week, ok? I LOVE YOU!
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