I almost met Robert Langdon today. Sister Cutler and I remembered that we are in Geneva, Switzerland, so we decided to go to CERN. Plus, there is a girl in the English ward here who is a PhD student working/researching at CERN, so she said she would show us around and stuff. I tell you what, I learned a lot of information today that I will definitely not be able to remember in a few hours. It is pretty incredible what they are doing though. The LHC accelerator is a big tube, 27 km long, that runs under Geneva and speeds up particles to smash into each other so they can try and learn about the beginning of the universe. Pretty big stuff. We saw the visitors center and the Atlas control room (Atlas is the one of the detectors of the LHC) but we couldn't actually see the detector because it is underground with tons of restrictions. We would have had to cut someone's eye out for the retinal scan, just like in Angels and Demons. It was pretty interesting though. But anyways, that is why the email is a little later than usual, since we went to CERN first instead of emails first. Oh also, the picture outside of the big globe thing is after I had gone in the accelerator and become a super hero...
Our week this week has been pretty cool. I told you last week that we were having a week of consecration to prepare for some miracles in finding people. Well, it has been pretty incredible what happens when people are faithful and working hard to show that faith. We started the week off with a fast, and then we have been speaking ONLY French all week. That part has been fun but tiring. I am surprising myself, though. French is easier and easier every day. I am excited for this evening, though, when we can speak English again haha. It is just much easier to express yourself and be funny and stuff in your native language, you know? Buuuut this week, we contacted a lot of old amies that we found in the Area Book and some of them were really excited to talk to us and meet with us. We were able to start teaching a couple of them! Also, we hadn't been able to get ahold of Vivian, the woman who we taught in the park a couple weeks ago, but I called her the other day and she answered! For the most part, it was a really encouraging week. We did have a couple of sad things though. Paola found a job (which is a HUGE blessing...she needed one so badly) but it is in the mountains, so she will be out of Geneva for three weeks at a time. She left on Friday, and with transfers being next week, I don't know if I will see her again while I am on my mission. It was really really sad to say goodbye to her. Bah. But maybe I will stay in Geneva, and if not, I will see her after my mission I am sure. But another heartbreaking thing: did I ever tell you about Gwenaelle? She was a woman that we were teaching that was soo spiritual and making so much progress. It was always nice to go read the Book of Mormon with her because she understood things really well. She is leaving for Argentina for a month with her family, so we went to go say bon voyage, and she told us that she doesn't want to see us anymore when she gets back. I tell you what, that was one of the worst feelings. It definitely was not the first time someone has rejected our message and everything, but I think it was the first time that it was someone that I really know and love and was progressing so well. Ugggh it put a little damper on the day. But honestly, the rest of the week was so good. It is hard to do at times, but I try to remember how good the good moments are and not get discouraged by the poopy moments. Anyways, the Lord answers prayers. That much I know. And I am so grateful to hear that y'all have been praying for our zone and our goals as well. The power of prayer and faith and work is pretty amazing.
Sister Metro had an appointment in Geneva yesterday, so she came Sunday to stay at the mission home. She wanted to see me while she was here, so President and Sister Murdock invited Sister Cutler and I to have dinner with them Sunday night....oh myyyy it was a little bit of heaven. We just got to sit back and relax and eat home made food and chat with President Murdock. He and Sister Murdock are so funny. I want you to be able to meet them. When we were driving to the gare to pick up Sister Metro (they took us with them after Church), President Murdock told me that Sister Murdock has told him how much she likes my sense of humor... Huge compliment! I am definitely in with the Murdocks. I just love them.
I have been playing the piano in the primary of the Spanish ward and it is my favorite part of Sundays I think (except when I get to eat at the mission home). They are starting to learn the new Primary song for this year's program. It is so so good! Will, are you learning it? I don't know the words in English, but a rough translation of the last line is 'and if I listen with my heart, the Spirit speaks I know'... I bet the words are much more eloquent than that haha. But Mom, I know what you mean about the Primary pianist being the best calling ever. I love it.
Thank you for your emails. I love being caught up with what's going on at home. Know that you are always in my prayers. Daniel, will you let me know when you find out about marching band? I'm glad that your audition went well. I love you and miss you a lot... Can you believe that it has almost been 6 months? I have just over a year left. Nuts! Have a really great week, ok? I will let you know next week what is happening with transfers. I would really like to stay here... I love love love Geneva and I love the people here and I love Sister Cutler. We will see! Anyways, I LOVE YOU!
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