So I laughed while I was writing the subject of this email because Sister Cutler and I have been singing a lot of things to the tune of that silly song 'Hey Santa.' So say Hey Family with that song in mind and it will make you laugh... maybe?
Anyways, thank you for your emails this week! It was so lovely to hear from everybody! I have a long list of people that I need to write back, and I might have some time today to write letters, so hopefully I will be able to get some out to you today.
You all asked about Sister Cutler and how we are getting along and everything... I absolutely adore her. She is from Provo and has been on her mission for about 14 months. We laugh a lot and have a lot of fun. She is hilarious. She taught me how to crochet (I knew at one point how to, but I had forgotten) and we have been doing a little bit of that. I started to make myself some gloves but I got frustrated and quit so she finished one for me. I decided to start with something a little simpler, like a cover for my Bible. I will let you know how it turns out. Being able to crochet and knit opens up a whole new door of gift ideas... don't be surprised if all I give you forever more is scarves and Bible covers and stuff... haha.
Well we have been working hard this week trying to find people to teach. We have talked to a ton of people, and have been able to teach some of them. Only a very few of them want to meet with us again, but it's ok. We just keep doing what we have to do, you know? Something that I have noticed, though, is that a large number of people that open their doors are not wearing pants. I don't know what it is about Switzerland, but apparently people do not wear pants when they are at home. A lot of times they hide behind the door when they answer it, but it is still super uncomfortable. Weirdies. This crazy pantless lady let us in the other day. She finished the little discussion about who knows what with a little pat on my head and a super uncomfortable hug. And then she gave us some fruit to take home. We left it in her mailbox on the way out.
BUT a week or so ago we found this lady name Vivian and her 5 year old son Ryan. She is from Paraguay (so she can go to the Spanish ward) but speaks really good English. We taught her in the park on Saturday and it was so wonderful. She felt the Spirit, for sure. Her cousin is a member and was married in the temple, but lost her husband a couple years ago. But because of that, Vivian already has a knowledge of eternal families and was so touched by that. She unfortunately didn't come to Church on Sunday, but things are looking really good with her. I am excited to see her progress.
We haven't seen Gladys in a couple of weeks, but hopefully we will be able to see her this week. She still hasn't moved back to Brazil, and I don't know exactly what her plans are. But I would love to still be able to teach her and hopefully help her be baptized this month. Sister Cutler and I made a goal for three baptisms this month. Things are not looking super great for getting three, but we have some potentials. I think what is important is that we work really hard finding and working really closely with the amis that we do have.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about France last week! Right after I emailed you, we ran to catch our train to Lyon. It was just under a 2 hour train ride through lovely France. Lyon is a HUGE city. I think it is the 2nd largest in France after Paris. But we met the other sisters there because they had some paper that I needed for my legality. We went and got that done pretty quick. I had to have a medical exam and get an x-ray of my lungs, which they gave to me as a souvenir or something, and it is now hanging up on our wall at home, right next to Sister Cutler's haha. But after that we had a couple of hours before our train back, so we went up to Fourvière, which is this huge basilica up on a hill. I attached some unflattering pictures of it (as well as one of me with a donkey we saw). It was huge and really cool, but it doesn't hold a candle (haha candle...Catholic...) to temples. But it was cool to see. I also got to ride on the metro, eat a kebab (sick... I am pretty sure it gave me heartburn), and buy cheaper French groceries. All in all it was a really great little trip.
Despite my kebab eating adventure, Sister Cutler and I are going on a healthy kick. We started running again and I LOVE it. Seriously, I can not tell you how much I missed it. We went for the first time on Saturday and it felt SO DANG GOOD. Plus, the weather has been incredible the last few days. Saturday was like 13°... I don't know how much that is in F, but it felt like 50s. Oh my heavens it was amazing. I didn't even wear a coat! It is a little cold today, but it supposed to be 14° on Friday...yeah! Oh, I would be so pleased if winter is over... hmm. But seriously, the sunshine and the warm weather just makes me feel so happy. I felt a truckload of gratitude and I just felt good. That was the same day that we taught Vivian. We got to teach her outside in a park. Dreamy.
How was the Frigid 5k? I still remember that one last year... that does not seem like very long ago. Weird. But hopefully everything turned out well. And school is going well for everyone? Like I said, I will write more personal letters to you soon, either today or next week.
Hey don't forget that you have someone in Switzerland praying for you. I love you all a lot and I know that Heavenly Father is aware of you. Just keep relying on Him and really sincerely trusting Him, and things will be good, I promise. I can't wait to hear from you again! Have an incredible week! I LOVE YOU!
P.S. George Bush is going to be in Geneva on February 12. Cool, huh? Maybe I will still be here.
Another P.S. Mom and Dad- I got a dumb migraine the other day... first one in months. But a couple of days before and for a couple of days after, I got weird light-headed rushes.... do you think those are connected? I am not super worried about it, but it was kind of weird. Let me know what you think?
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