Allie is now a missionary and currently residing in the Provo Missionary Training Center. She was set apart last night by our amazing stake president. It was a really sweet experience, and I think it helped all of us to feel better about everything.
Sister Bentley went into the MTC this afternoon at 12:30. It was a very surreal thing, kind of like, "Is this it? Is this actually happening?" It was way hard to say goodbye to her. 18 months seem very daunting and quite a long time. But I know this is right for her, and I know she is ready. She knows she is ready. She may not always think so, but she knows it.
So it is going to be so great to hear about all of her experiences throughout the days of this little extravaganza of hers. Please stay tuned for her letters, which I will faithfully post here whenever I get them. I promise!
Also, as you might have guessed, Soeur Bentley would LOVE to hear from you. So if you have any time and desire, please send her a letter! is great for the MTC (Box #86), and I'll keep her address updated for when she's in the field. Thanks for all your support for our cute little missionary!
(By the way, this is Allie's sister here. I'll be keeping up her blog, and I will do my best to be as up-to-date as possible. I'm new at this whole blogging thing, though. So we'll see.)
Thanks all!
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