Saturday, July 31, 2010

Allie's first letter!

So today is Saturday, but normally my P-days are going to be on Fridays. I guess the schedule for the first week for new missionaries is weird, but next week we will get on a schedule that will be the same for the rest of the weeks. I only have 30 minutes, and there is a timer in the corner ticking down, so I must hurry!

So! It's kind of been a long four days, but it's getting better every day. After I was dropped off by my family and I saw them drive by and wave, I turned around and ran right out of the MTC. Just kidding. The elders that were taking my stuff took me to a sister missionary host and she helped me check into my room and told me about the residency halls and everything. Turns out I was the first person in my room, so I got FIRST pick of beds! I of course chose the bottom bunk. Right now there are 3 other sisters in my room, but I have my own bed and it's a dream. Also, everyone that I passed or that saw my luggage told me how awesome and cute they thought the purple is. I'm a super star, I guess. So I didn't get to unpack at all, because my host sister took me straight to the bookstore, where they gave me a big blue bag with all of my French books in it, and then we went to my classroom (the building is quite centralized and very close to the main building with the cafeteria, so I am a happy soeur). We are going to be spending a LOT of time in the classroom, so I just leave all my stuff in there. There were only a couple of other elders in there when I got there, but I got to meet my teachers, Frere Kelley and Soeur Gabriel. They are both lovely people. Eventually more elders came in and then my companion came in and I got to meet her. Her name is Sister Vasileva and she is from BULGARIA. Cool, right? Her English is very good, which I am very very happy about. It would have been pretty difficult, I think, if we could not understand each other until we learn French. But she's really great. We're definitely still getting to know each other, but so far so good. It will be interesting when we actually have to start teaching together (next week...bah!) and see how well we work with each other. This is not the end of the companion news, though. I had a note in my little packet they gave me that said we will be getting another companion on Monday...she is coming from England! I will be the lone American. But I love this girl already because you know how I feel about England.

Anyways, so the rest of the first day is kind of a blur. It was kind of rough, to be honest. There were a lot of orientations and stuff, and we had a teaching simulation as a big group, which was hard, but helped me focus on where I need to start. There has been a HUGE focus on how we need to get to know our investigators and really understand them and where they are on their spiritual journey. I have to be able to understand and feel what they need to feel in order to be converted. Elder Holland said something like we need to go where our investigator is, spiritually speaking, before we can expect them to come where we are. I've come to understand that, before you can expect them to open up to you, you have to build a loving relationship of trust so that you can let them know how God feels about them, how much He really loves them, and how/why I love them and my purpose of being there. It is really exciting, actually, to be able to work as part of Heavenly Father's Plan.

Anyways, so Thursday, we had Gym time right after breakfast. Ugh, barf. This whole week we have it right after a meal and I hate it. But next week it will be better. We have gym time every day, so I have run every day on the track so far, and will do that as much as I can. There's also an aerobics type class every morning at 6, so I will try to convince my compy to go to that with me at least some days. After gym, all the new missionaries had to get their immunization records checked, and luckily, I didn't have to get shot because I was on top of things and got them done before. We had a lot of class time on Thursday (naturally) and started learning French. I've realized that I really do have a big advantage. Some of these guys don't know anything. But we will all help each other and it will be swell. I've learned how to pray in French and say some other things too. I can't wait to be fluent! That night, we had a FOUR HOUR meeting/interviews with our branch presidency. It was so long because there are over 60 new missionaries in our zone. I guess that 10% of all the new missionaries that came in on Wednesday went to our French zone. Cool! But there are a few elders that I have connections with. Also, one of my accounting professors, Professor (Brother) Zimbelman is the 2nd counselor in my branch presidency! It was fun to see him and have that connection. Small world in the MTC I guess? Kind of. After the meeting I came back to letters and a package! Everyone was commenting on how it was in a phone box... baha. But THANK YOU so much, they really made my day!

I'm really getting to love my companion and the elders in my district. I'm excited to get to know them better. My roommates are two of the other soeurs in our zone (there are only 6 of us) and I like them pretty well. One of them talks/hums/laughs to herself CONSTANTLY. I need to figure out how to deal with it. I bought a French hymnbook yesterday because, surprise, we will only sing in French. Hymns are called "cantiques." Also, there are two sad rules in the MTC: No gum and no listening to music! What?! But I will be obedient and just wait until I get to Switzy. 5 more minutes ah!

I saw my cousin Callie yesterday and it was so good to see her! I guess she finally got her visa and will leave on Tuesday. We are going to take a picture together tomorrow, so be excited about that. Today we did laundry, and a nice elder gave me an almost full box of detergent because he is leaving next week! So I don't even have to buy detergent for awhile.

Well, I better go, but I love you all and am SO grateful for your prayers. Have a great week!

Soeur Bentley

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