Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some mission quatre un un

I am leaving in two weeks. Nay, one week and 6 days. Those ridiculous countdowns are starting to run through my brain and, unfortunately, out of my mouth sometimes. Examples: "I only have one more full week" or "I only have to buy gas one more time" or "Next week I will make the work schedule for last time for a year and a half" or "That's probably the last time I'll eat at One Man Band for 18 months." Those are the silly things that I think about.

Anyways, I figured it would be lovely for me to post some information (that's English AND French!) about my mission. First, here is a picture of a map from my call packet because I could not find a map of my mission on the internet.
I wish you great luck in reading anything on that map.

Also, here are some addresses that everyone ought to use frequently. I expect letters every week from everyone I know or am acquainted with. I'm kidding a little bit. But here they are:

While I am in the MTC, you have a couple of options for reaching me.

For regular mail:
Sister Allison Bentley
Switzerland Geneva Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center *
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

*I don't know my PO box number yet, but that is where that'll go. Grace or somebody will put it up here once we know it.

A lovely little thing that is easy and free:
click "Write a Letter"
in the drop down menu select "Provo MTC" and click "Write a Missionary"
fill in your info and my info (again, the box number will be updated shortly) and write away

You type it in like an email, but they print it out and give it to me like a real life letter! I think that if you send this before noon or something, I get it the same day. Do it!


The only thing about email is this: I have a very limited amount of time on email each week, so it would probably/definitely be best if you sent a dear elder instead, so I can read it during the week and then respond on P-day.

Alright, then while I am in Switzy, here's the contact info:
I guess you can do this even when I'm not in the MTC! Just select "Switzerland Geneva mission" instead of "Provo MTC" and the process should be the same. Although, I think it is the cost of a stamp. But remember that my friendship and keeping in touch with me is priceless.

Regular mail (use this address until I can tell you the address of my first assignment):
Sister Allison Bentley
Switzerland Geneva Mission
8, Chemin William Barbey
1292 Chambesy (GE)

This is the mission home.

For mailing packages:
Just use the mission home address above.

Ok I think that's all the addresses you need to know! I will send weekly emails to my family that they will put up on this bloggy blog.

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting Allie! Who knew most of the Geneva Mission in in France? What a dream! You'll be fabulous!
