It was good to hear from you this morning! I really do appreciate you writing me every week. It is kind of like a recharge to come on Tuesdays and see how everyone is doing. I definitely need it, that is for sure. Oh and thank you for sending birthday wishes to Sister Cutler! She really liked that. We had fun on her birthday. I tried to reproduce a few of our traditions, like putting 23 in cereal on her desk and writing with a Sharpie on a paper plate 'You Are Special Today!' I think she appreciated it. We had a nice American summer dinner for her too. We got some hotdogs and I grill them on our miniscule grill, and we had potato chips and orange soda, and she used an American flag napkin too. I love the USA. I think I attached some pictures of her birthday loot. I also gave her her own Yatzy set (that is the silly European way to spell it). Oh also, we had a zone training meeting that day, and she (and I) got spoiled for her birthday there too. The nice elders made us both lunch, and Sister Murdock made a big chocolate cake that everyone shared. What a nice day! Next up... My Birthday! Only two and a half months away! Well, I guess there are a couple of your birthdays before mine. 'Tis the birthday season though.
This week was really wonderful. Probably one of the most edifying and motivating of my mission so far. Monday we had interviews with President Murdock. That one-on-one time with him is like gold. I think I attached a picture of me, Sister Cutler, and Elder Mutamba after the interviews, enjoying the apple slices that Sister Murdock brought for us. Tuesday was Preparation Day, which is always beautiful. Wednesday was really really the best and I will return to that shortly. Thursday was district meeting and some dropped appointments (maybe not the best day of the week) and then Friday was Sister Cutler's birthday and the outstanding training meeting all day. We talked about ways we can bring the spirit and receive revelation for this work. But listen to (read) this: on Wednesday, Elder Teixeira of the 70 and Elder Hallstrom of the Presidency of the 70 and their wives came to Geneeeeeva. They gave a really nice fireside for the Geneva and Lausanne stakes (it wasn't even very crowded and I was really surprised...these are General Authorities!) and we had Chidé, one of our investigators come to that. But in the afternoon, we had a 3 hour missionary conference with them. They talked about some inspiring things and about some practical things that we can do to become better missionaries. They emphasized a lot our planning sessions, and how we should take them more seriously than we probably are taking them. It is so important to prayerfully plan for the day, for the week, and for our investigators specifically, because that is when the Spirit can really guide you. And then if you've planned well and are still seeking the guidance of the Spirit, you can be open to following the promptings that might come during the day or during a lesson or something. But get this. Sister Murdock spoke for a few minutes to start the conference, and then President Murdock stood up to start his talk. Before he started he said 'Oh, I guess I better give a couple of missionaries a bit of notice that they will be speaking today... Elder Claflin and Sister Bentley will be sharing their testimonies with us after my remarks.' Bah! So I had to bear my testimony in front of two zones of missionaries, not to mention two General Authorities. I was a little nervous. But actually, I am really grateful that I was able to do that. You know how they say that you strengthen your testimony by bearing it? Well I think they are right. I love being able to do that in that setting because I can really realize my testimony and realize that yes, I do know these things are true. And it was in English, so easy-peasy lemon squeezy Japonesie.
BUT I got a nice compliment about my French yesterday, and that kind of boosted my confidence. We were at Sister Lehmann's house for lunch and she asked me to say the prayer, like every other week, but after the prayer she asked 'how long have you been on a mission?' and I said 'seven months today, in fact' (can you believe it's 7 months? crazy) and she said 'wow! and your French is so good! You speak without any mistakes!' Maybe the prayer was mistake-free, but I sure don't normally speak without mistakes haha. But it was super nice of her to say.
Ooh I have a funny story to share. There is a picture attached for illustration. So the other day, I was reading my Book of Mormon while I was drying my hair. I have been using the blow dryer that is in the apartment because it's got a Swiss plug and it is easier to use than mine. So I was just sitting there reading and drying my hair and all of a sudden I hear POP POP and the blow dryer is on fire in my hand! (It turned out to be only a small flame, but frightening nonetheless) I screamed and yelled FIRE and dropped the dryer because I had no desire to burn my hand (I didn't, don't worry). It turned out that it actually wasn't really a big deal... the flame was short lived and the dryer died for good, but my scriptures got the worst of it. I burned a small hole in Alma 2. Gives a new meaning to 'the Spirit of God like a fire is burning,' eh eh?
I am learning a lot of new things with Sister Cutler. I think I told you before that we have perfected moonwalking...we can do it forwards and backwards, and we are working on the sideways version... it's a little tough. But Sister Cutler taught me how to tie a tie (as shown in one of the attached pictures) AND she is teaching me some stuff about how to march in marching band. I definitely already brought a little bit of experience to the table with Grace's instruction of heel-toe marching and the running technique too. But I am learning some turns and stuff. Now I suppose I just need to learn how to play an instrument haha.
Transfers are coming up pretty soon. We have about a week and a half left in this transfer and then we will have calls the following Tuesday and travel Wednesday. It's always a big speculation about what will happen and who will go where. I don't know if the elders do that, but I imagine it is harder to guess because there are so many of them. But with so few sisters, it is a little bit easier. But really, there is no guessing what President Murdock will do. I think we are getting 3 new sisters this transfer, and none are leaving yet, so I heard that Luxembourg is going to open back up and another sister equipe will open somewhere too. Unless he just makes a couple of three-sie companionships. And the norm says that I will probably go somewhere else now that I have been here for 4 transfers, but who knows, right? I feel like there will be a lot of changes this time around though, since there weren't very many last transfer. We will see in a couple of weeks!
Alright, well I must finish up for today. I love you all a lot and am grateful and proud to have you as my family. Have a great week and I will talk to you soon! I LOVE YOU!
P.S. Mom, I don't have the last conference Ensign...would it be possible to send me a copy? Or I could wait until after this next conference and you could maybe send me both of them? That would be super. I love you!
Also, Grace: WAY TO GO on your anatomy test! That is pretty impressive. What a smarty!
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