Well, hopefully this one will get to you just fine. I am glad that you were able to get the last ones one way or another. I felt so badly last week when I saw in all of your emails that you didn't hear from me the week before. But hopefully we got everything worked out! Sister Todd in the office was really nice to help out. I like her. I met her and her husband in the MTC right before they flew out here, so they have been here just a few weeks longer than I have. The couple missionaries are all really great. It makes me want to serve another mission later with my husband. How cool would that be?
Anyways, it sounds like your Valentine's Day was nice. It was a pretty normal missionary day here for me. It is not nearly as commercialized here as it is in the US though, that is for sure. But we shared a few thoughts with people about charity, and Sister Cutler and I both wore pink, so we celebrated it just fine. Plus, I have only been using red and pink to write in my planner this transfer, so I will celebrate Valentine's Day for 6 entire weeks haha. But we ate with Sister Lehmann yesterday, and it was wonderful as always. We also got to teach French class (which is huge on Mondays... I don't know why nobody comes to our class on Saturdays but a ton of people come to the Elders' class on Mondays...bah humbug) and we got to see Paola at Noche de Hogar! I think I may have mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, but she had gotten a job where she would have to be away from Geneva for a long time. She wasn't supposed to come back until March 20th, when I would probably be gone, but she said the lady she works for let her come back for a couple days for a break. So I got to see her again! Ugh, I love that woman. That definitely made my day. She is probably leaving again today though.
So Sister Cutler and I have ourselves a couple of Spanish investigators. They are not progressing yet, but soon enough. And it is really fun to teach in Spanish. Super hard, but fun. I have been realizing the last few weeks how much I want to travel to South America sometime in my life. There are a lot of Peruvians here, and with your mission experience, Dad, in Peru, I think it would be really great to go there. Can we go sometime... heh heh? Plus, Sister Cutler and I have managed to learn all of the words to La Bamba (there aren't very many), so I think I could do pretty well in any Spanish-speaking place.
Ooh a couple of things in reply to your emails: Dad, you asked if I ran any on Saturday? I did! We only had enough time to run about one mile, but I did run! Add that to the family total! We have been running almost every morning. Not a lot each morning, because we don't have enough time, but a little bit! And today we are thinking about running along the lake to the mission home and back. I think it is about 4k each way, so we will see. It is raining a little bit today (bah, after about 2 weeks of beautiful weather) but we can probably handle it. I am craaaaving running. It has been too long since I have gotten to run more than a mile or two at a time. Also, Mom, you mentioned that y'all have been playing Rummikub? That is great because Sister Cutler has talked about it before and has said how fun it is. I just told her that you've been playing it and she said 'Great! I will get together with them and play it every Sunday!' haha.
Things are going pretty well here. The work is pretty slow, but I am learning that that is kind of the norm. We do the best we can and even if we talk to people for a week straight and don't find any new amis that week, we keep doing the same thing the next week, and the next week. And then Heavenly Father will bless us with the miracles when the time is right. I am learning that being a successful missionary does not necessarily have anything to do with how many baptisms I've got or even baptismal dates. It is really a hard lesson to learn though, let me tell you what. But when I can pray to Heavenly Father at night and feel confident that He is content with my efforts that day, I ought to be sure that I am being a good missionary. But even still, there are so many things that I know that I need to improve on in order to be a good representative of Christ, and I am working on them. Oh man, I just want to be the best missionary ever haha.
So I won't get to email you again until after BIRTHDAYS this weekend. It sounds like you have some fun plans for the days. You will have to let me know how everything was. Daniel, are you excited to go to the stake dance? Don't be a wall flower, ok? I've been practicing the moonwalk here. You should work on that. I think it could be a hit and the dance. Anyways, imagine that I am saying this on Sunday:
and this on Monday:
I love you a lot and hope you have a great birthday weekend.
Oh also, here are a couple of pictures for you. I don't know how many got sent with the whole email issue the last couple of weeks, but I will just send you some. Actually, I don't think I have taken very many good ones recently, so I just sent you a picture of the Valentine's breakfast that Sister Cutler made for me yesterday. Nice!
Ok, well my time is running out. I love you all alot and miss you a lot! Have a great week! Oh, and Will, break a leg in your play this week! Not really. Don't break any bones. Just have fun and do well. Will y'all take pictures of his play for me? I love you!
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