Can you believe it's already December pretty much? It's nuts to me. Sunday was my 4 months mark on my mission...woah, right? Sometimes it seems like I've been here forever and it's going really slow, but other times, it's crazy at how fast it goes. Anyways, it was good to get your email Dad and hear that the race went well! What a fun thing. And I'm glad you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. How were the orange rolls and the pumpkin pies? I definitely missed those things. BUT I got your package this week! Thank you so so much! We've already sampled the fudge, don't you even worry about that. Ooh boy it's good. And the TREE! Ah thank you so much everyone who did that! I tried to put it up the other day when I got it but it wasn't sticking very well on the wall, so I need to figure something out so it doesn't just sit in the envelope. I'll try putting it on a bulletin board or something. But I love it so much! And Grandma and Grandpa, thank you for the stocking calendar! I'm excited to start counting down tomorrow with it. What a fun thing. I really really appreciate the package, and I'm being a good girl and waiting until Christmas to open the other things haha. Thank you so much!
So the Utah game wasn't too great, huh? That stinks that we lost! Was it an exciting game though? And Grace, was it fun being there and playing? That's pretty exciting. It sounds like the basketball team is doing well though! Are the basketball games a little rough without Dining Plus? haha just kidding kind of.
We finally got snow here. It started snowing the night of Thanksgiving and then stopped the next day, but on Saturday it snowed ALL day long, nonstop. Sister Metro was sick so we stayed inside most of the day, and I just watched the snow pile up more and more. Sorry, that made it sound like I didn't do anything except look out the window all day haha. Not true. I was studying and doing stuff, I promise haha. But yeah, my boots are definitely appreciated these days. It hasn't snowed much since then, but it is still pretty cold. AND they turned off the Jet d'Eau, the big fountain in the lake before I could get a picture of it. Boo. Oh well though. We did exchanges on Friday, and Sister Dix and I did some contacting down by the lake. It was SO cold by the water! My toes felt like icicles. I'm pretty sure that isn't spelled right but I'm not really sure how it is supposed to be spelled. But anyways, I have my coat and I guess I will just have to layer and layer a lot.
So not a ton of new stuff has happened since my email on Thursday. This email might be a little boring, I apologize. I will try to make up for it with my hilarious wit. But we still haven't heard from Martha. She was supposed to be baptized on Saturday, but she is still in Spain, as far as we know. We are pretty sure that she will get baptized as soon as she gets back, but it's a little rough that we haven't even talked to her in like a month. Oh Martha. But we are still getting Gladys ready for her baptism next Sunday (the 12th)! She is wonderful. She just takes everything in and is really excited. She has been to Church a couple of times but not to the ward that she will be baptized into, so we are excited for her to meet the Bishop (Bishop Junod...he is amazing) and the other ward members. That ward hasn't had a baptism in awhile, so they are excited. I'm pretty sure the Elders in that ward just set a baptismal date with someone for the same date too. Cool! It will be a great day. Other than that though, we don't really have many progressing investigators, which is kind of hard. It is definitely a dry spell, but we are trying to be faithful and just put a ton of effort into finding people!
Did you turn the Christmas lights on at home? And have you put the Christmas tree up yet? You will have to send me pictures so I can see how great it looks. We went to Soeur Lehmann's house again yesterday and she had all of her Christmas decorations up. So cute.
So the languages are still coming, slowly but surely. French is ok. I am understanding people more and more. I still feel like it's really rough when I speak it though. Bah. It's a little discouraging sometimes, but it will get better. I just need to learn to be patient, you know? Spanish I don't worry about to much because President told me not too. But I can definitely understand more and more of that too. And I've been able to add a little more and more each time in our lessons too. Not a ton, but a little sentence here and there. Haha. How elementary. BUT when I was with Sister Dix the other day, I was able to contact in Spanish a couple times. AND one of the people was Portuguese, so that was even cooler! He could understand what I was saying, but I could only understand about 15% of what he was saying. Meh. That's an interesting language, that Portuguese. Once I get French and Spanish down I will start working on that one.
I attached a bunch of pictures for you! There are several from the Salève experience. Oh man, that was so cool. Then there are several from Thanksgiving. I think there is a picture of the 18.5 lb, 160 Franc turkey on there. And my meal. Bah. Love that Thanksgiving. And I think the last one is from Noche de Hogar (the Spanish ward's family home evening) last night. We are in charge of the game each week and those people LOVE US. I think the picture is blurry, but we played the game where you have a name of a famous person on your forehead and you have to guess who it is based on questions or how everyone is treating you. It was hilarious. Also, I am going to try and put the tree up again this week so I can take a picture and send it to you.
I have some letters to write to y'all, and I want to try and get those out today, but it might not be until next week. But I love so much hearing from you and I appreciate all of the letters and emails! It always makes my day to find something in our mailbox other than ads. But I love you so so much and am so excited to talk to you soon! I don't really know where we are going to call from. We may just end up using phone cards and calling from the gare or something. I guess it depends on where I am, too, since transfers are 2 days before Christmas. I would love to stay in Geneva for another transfer, but I will be happy wherever I go.
Anyways I love you and love hearing about things chez nous (back home)! Have a really great week! Good luck in finals preparations/work/at the store/band/pirate plays/all the other stuff! I LOVE YOU
Oh P.S. I am going to France tomorrow! We are going to Lyon for some legality stuff and Sister Metro (she served there before Geneva) is going to maybe take us to the old town, to a big Cathedral real quick. I am excited! I will definitely report about it next week. I love you!
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