Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spectacular, Spectacular

I think that four weeks out is as good a time as any to start a real-deal countdown. Hey everyone, I have FOUR weeks until I am a full-fledged missionnaire. After three months of waiting/preparing for what felt like an imaginary-not-really-going-to-happen trip to Switzerland, I'm actually coming to realize that I will indeed be leaving my dear family and home for 18 whole months to tell people why and how I am happy... and I think it's great!

I have a lot of things to do in the next four weeks. 28 days. 672 hours. OH BOY. I have to prepare a talk that will blow people's socks off, buy a lot of little things like brown tights and face lotion, worrrrrk, make myself understand that I really don't need any more clothes (except maybe a black's a staple item), prepare two Sunbeams lessons, disregard two said Sunbeams lessons and figure out how to entertain 7 Sunbeams for two separate hours, see one of the Beatles in real life (seriously!), put a lot of Mormon Tabernacle Choir music on my iPod, get a haircut, lose some pounds so I can gain them back by eating cheese and chocolate and bread over the next year and a half, finish the Book of Mormon, go to the temple thrice a week, and spend as much time loving my family as I can.

I just hope that I am really ready. Not necessarily with all that stuff, but in my brain. I feel pretty good about it though. My testimony of my Savior is solid, so I think I'm good. I am EXCITED to get to tell people about Him and how, by following Him and acting like Him, they can experience the greatest joy ever. This is good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you :) You will be a fabulous missionary!
